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100 Days in Deadland

100 Days in Deadland - Rachel Aukes My full 100 Days in Deadland review can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

100 Days in Deadland turned out to be an action packed emotional roller-coaster ride through a zombie infested hell. Aukes writing style and main characters reminded me much of Jesse Petersen of the Married with Zombies series. If I had one I would put this in a easy listening category because there was nothing that disturbed my soul like some zombie stories can. While following Cash, a twenty something that somehow stayed alive long enough to meet up with Clutch, and ex-military doomsday prepper. As often happens, the military swoops in and tries to keep some order and to govern/create the society that is left. Then all the military higher-ups start measuring there, well, you know, with Clutch and hell, or zombies, literally breaks loose. There was not a dull moment, Aukes was able to keep me interested with comedy, action, heartbreak, zombies, happiness, distress, a great villain, and more, all the essentials for a great story. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

Audiobook provided for review by Rachel Aukes and downloaded from Audible